What Is CHC Funding?

What is NHS CHC funding?

NHS Continuing Health Care is where the NHS agrees to pay for the nursing care component of a person’s nursing fees via a flat fee paid directly to the care home.

Who is responsible for applying for CHC funding?

The individual or their representative is usually responsible for initiating the application, either via the family doctor or social worker. The case will then by passed to the most appropriate (local) Clinical Commissioning Groups in England for consideration, approval or rejection.

CHC funding is subject to quite strict assessment criteria and isn’t linked to a means test or financial viability test

Does CHC eligibility differ from area to area?

The process surrounding continuing healthcare funding assessments is set out by the government in a published National Framework. It isn’t unreasonable therefore to assume that the existence of such guidelines should mean that all assessors should be using exactly the same criteria and negating any regional disparities.

To be eligible for CHC an individual’s need for care must be a healthcare rather than a social care need, so the Clinical Commissioning Group must establish that the need for care is primarily health related. This is usually called a ‘primary health need’.

Additionally, these needs must be assessed as being complex, intense and unpredictable in their nature or a combination. It should also be noted that a person’s health needs, not their actual diagnosis determines whether they are eligible for funding.

Advice about paying for care

It’s important to get professional advice on the best way to fund the cost of care and we suggest that you take advice from a care fees expert to make sure that you have explored all the options available to you.

In order to make life easier we have contacted a national care fees planning specialist, Symponia, who are dedicated to the financial issues of later life, in particular the payment of care fees. Read more about how Symponia can help you and download their helpful handbook. 

All information contained in this page was correct as at 27/02/2024*

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Get in touch

If you have any questions about care options available or if you require help or further information, please contact us using our contact form.

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