Respite Care

Recover, Recuperate, Rest..

For a short stay, respite, a holiday…or to experience our care before moving in permanently

Whether you need a break or want to visit us to convalesce after time in hospital, our short-stay residents all receive a high level of personalised care and support.  If our homes have availability, you may be able to book your stay in advance. To discuss your booking requirements, please get in touch.

So much more than care and support

A respite stay in a care home means so much more than just care and support when you need it.  It can bring social interaction and friendship if you want it. A meal with new-found friends or just sitting companionably with others while reading the paper could be just the tonic you need.

Recharge your batteries

It’s always the right time of year to take a break in one of our care homes. Not only does it give your carers or family a break, it can take the stress out of daily tasks such as laundry and food preparation.

If you care for a loved one, we know how hard this can be. But we also know how important it is to have time out to rest and recuperate, so that you can recharge your batteries. Our Short Breaks and respite stays give you the chance to relax knowing your loved one is safe and supported 24-hours a day.

Respite stay with Four Seasons Health Care Group

Experience the care and support provided

Whether you are frail and in need of friendship or recovering from a fall, operation or illness, we can provide a safe, comfortable place to stay for as long as you want. However, you don’t have to be ill to take advantage of our short stays. If you just fancy a change of scenery, you’re having your flat or house redecorated, or feeling a bit lonely, please give us a call.

Some families and residents view ‘respite’ or a short stay as a way to experience the care and support provided by a care home, with many individuals going on to move into our homes permanently, while others book short stays on a regular basis every few weeks to help provide a break for carers or family members.

If you think a respite or short stay break might be right for you or your loved one, please call us to have a chat to find out about the homes in your area and the care services available.

Find a Respite Care Home

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions about Respite Care

I found it

101% perfect

Staff helped me to

recover so quickly

I was made to feel

very welcomed

You Might Also Be Interested To Know

We offer care for residents with a variety of conditions, including but not exclusively:

Hearing Impairment
Visual Impairment
Parkinson's Disease
Speech Impairment
Physical Impairment

The above are only some of the conditions we can accommodate if you would like to learn more please call 0116 214 7894.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our care or services, please get in touch below

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